Q:How to order with us?
A:When you find some interesting items from our website,contact with us by trade manager,or send inquiry to our people, they will
guide you step by step.
Q:Can you help us to design product,and can you sign secrecy agreement
A:Yes,we have professional design to help you design.Also we can sign secrecy agreement,we won't sell customer design to other
Q:What's the sample cost?
A:If we have the sample in stock,we can offer you wholesale price,if not,you need to pay the sample cost,and it can return after
place order.
Q:Can I get discount?
Of course.If you order more,we will give you better discount.
Q:Will the product rust?
It won't rust unless you put it in water.
Q:How long the gold plated color last?
The products are vacuum plating,14k,18k,24k real gold.It can keep at least one year.
Q:How to visit factory?
A:Pls confirm the ate,we will make arrangement for you.
Q:How to produce?
A:Our people can take video or photo to explain it for you in details.
Q:What's is your production time for mass goods?
A:As usual,it is about 30 days,exact time based on the style and quantity.
Title goes here.
Stainless Steel Faith Necklace Cross 14k Gold Cross Christum Jewelry Inspirtional Pendant Christian Curicifix Charm Necklace